Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes
LA’s #1 avant-garde personal development program. I'm Emerson Dameron. I love you, personally. Levity saves lives.
The home of Ask a Sadist, Bite-Sized Erotic Thrillers, and the First Church of the Satanic Buddha. Levity saves lives.
Regularly scheduled episodes premiere on the first Wednesday of the month on KCHUNG Los Angeles.
Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes
Medical Play
CW: More BDSM than usual
Give or get goosebumps. Explore the most crucial existential friction of our times. Gain the confident glow that comes from learning hard skills. Escape the Wartenberg Wheel of life and death. Discover the magic of medical play.
Referenced episodes: Limerence, April Is the Coolest Month, Win a Date With Emerson Dameron.
Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes is a production of KCHUNG.
Music by Visions of the Universe. Written, performed, produced, and created by Emerson Dameron, who is solely responsible for its content. Levity saves lives.
Got something to say to me? Slide into the DMs.
Available now! https://emersondameron.bandcamp.com/album/crimson-transgressions-a-bite-sized-erotic-thriller-by-emerson-dameron
Sponsored in part by Magic Mind.
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