Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes

People of the Screaming Release

Emerson Dameron Season 4 Episode 3

A special sponcon edition commandeered by the People of the Screaming Release.

Come for your quest for self-realization. Stay for the secret teachings. Get utterly confused on your side quests. Push back on the prohibition against ecstasy.

Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes is a production of KCHUNG. Music by Ohmu Shell. Written, performed, produced, and created by Emerson Dameron, who is solely responsible for its content.

Follow Emerson on Instagram. Levity saves lives.

Got something to say to me? Slide into the DMs.

Available now! https://emersondameron.bandcamp.com/album/crimson-transgressions-a-bite-sized-erotic-thriller-by-emerson-dameron

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