Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes

Serendipity's Squeeze: A Bite-Sized Erotic Thriller by Emerson Dameron

Emerson Dameron Season 5

The episode explores the chaotic journey of a narrator navigating a tumultuous love triangle with two women, Ava and Clover, each representing different life choices and emotional complexities. It delves into themes of desire, self-discovery, trust, and the consequences of lies within intimate relationships.  

  • Defining success as personal freedom  
  • Examining the allure of money and relationships  
  • Exploring the dynamics with Ava and Clover  
  • Unraveling lies and facing emotional truths  
  • Trust issues and the struggle for intimacy  
  • Discovering the path to self-acceptance  
  • Reflections on human nature and the quest for closure

Created by Emerson Dameron. A different mix appears in Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes S5E2: Sultry Secrets of Pulse-Pounding Passion: A Night of Bite-Sized Erotic Thrillers by Emerson Dameron.

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My definition of success is doing what I want when I want, with whom I want, most importantly, how I want. What I want is to develop my philosophy and play my accordion how I want to do it is brilliantly. That requires getting out of my own way, which is truly the work of a lifetime. Playing the accordion isn't as easy as it looks. You have to learn standards before you learn jazz, and even when I play popular favorites I tend to get hassled. I don't see the problem. Accordion music is not a public menace. They're not bagpipes. Developing my philosophy takes a lot of mental energy, so I try not to waste valuable resources by thinking too much, which is great it's. Unlike most people, I don't freak out when I'm about to get what I want. They usually don't even realize it.


I'm able to fall ass backwards into amazing situations like dating two very sexy, very different women. There's Ava flash, and excess wealthy heiress Shows me the good life. I find out that it suits me. I like the smell of money. I don't have to work. Ava allows me to work. She insists on paying for everything and kind of holds it over my head but says I can make it up to her by sleeping with her friends. Sometimes we do three ways. I'm sure there are women who aren't into women, but those women are mysterious to me. How could you not be into women? Have you seen women? Ava is into women and even if women aren't into women, they're into Ava, sometimes with sex toys or household objects.


The sex is bananas. Ava puts a lot of pressure on me to do whatever her friends want, and that's fine. I hate making decisions. It's particularly hard to decide between Ava and Clover. Clover is sexy as hell. She's fun. She's pure positive energy. The sex is really good because that's what she channels her genius into. In her real life she's not that smart. She'll remind you of that constantly. Often in those words. Her other catchphrase is no thoughts, just vibes. Clover is bubbly, vivacious. She's a great influence. We have great sex. It's like dancing One partner leads and the other leads. You don't know who's leading, you just know what to do. It's just happening. She's told me that she might be falling in love with me. She doesn't know. She'll have to think about it a bit longer. I would love to fall in love with Clover. She's exactly the sort of person I'd love to spend time with and I'm comfortable with her in a way that I'm not comfortable with Ava.


There's a mysterious layer of weirdness there that I can't quite articulate what it is, and I think it might just be my insecurities, so I haven't brought it up. And I love money. I love being rich. I never thought it would happen. It mainly happens to people who are born into money and something in me knows that I don't belong in this world of glamour and really good cocaine, seemingly overpriced alcohol and insane sex from people who are used to getting everything they want, to the point where what they want is completely perverse. Forget about memetic desire. They're bored to death of the things that they used to want.


What I eventually discover is something that seems really obvious now that I know I'm a charming rogue and a pimp at heart. I think I was a player in a past life, but I'm getting played in this one and I'm getting pimped out by Ava. I really should have figured that out earlier. I'm in pretty deep now. I don't know who to trust, my philosophy is falling apart, but contingencies are not connecting like they used to. I don't know which way is up, and I'm so dizzy from all of this crazy sex that it doesn't really matter. There's no past, no future. I've always been doing this. I always will be doing this. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't like this. It doesn't feel good. I don't know anything anymore, but I am learning that I know too much. I've committed a lot of crimes and I didn't know what I was doing. But nobody's gonna believe me when I tell them that I'm really freaking out and Clover can feel it. She's highly intuitive and sex is where people hide things. We have a lot of sex. She's gonna pick up on it.


Eventually I get tired of lying. It happens around the time that my fabric of lies unravels and I'm fully exposed. Clover says I get points for honesty. She's mad as hell that she's not going to leave, although she could, and it creates the first bad vibes that we've experienced. Well, that's not true. We had a couple of spats and then had really rough sex and briefly hated each other, and so we were able to bang like we hated each other, which, if you've never tried it find someone you hate and have sex with them or start hating someone you're having sex with. You really don't want to miss out on this. It creates a lot of conflict and confusion and angst. Clover tells me that it particularly gets to her. It makes her really, really mad that I was willing to commit crimes for Ava and, in short order, I'm committing crimes for Clover Pretty much whatever she wants. She could hold this over my head. She could rat me out to the FBI if she wanted to.


I have a lot of weird experiences that I'm not ready to talk about. I experience something weird, deeply uncomfortable, terrifying and personal growth. It's not easy, but I'm learning to be myself. I'm learning to be into myself. I wish I knew this back when I wasn't extremely paranoid and unwilling to trust anyone, because I really shouldn't. I have a lot of exposure and I'm feeling really jittery right now. Most people are incredibly selfish, cynical, will stab you in the back for fun and despise weakness in others and punish it. They're awful. I'm not into intimacy anymore. I wish I were, because I'm deeply in love with Clover now and I'm starting to get so paranoid that I'm oblivious to the fact that Clover is a double agent for another dimension. She's using me to turn people against each other, which is what you want to do before you come in and conquer them. I don't know when that's going to happen. They have a lot of information. I'm not optimistic about the next five years and I've found that closure doesn't really exist.


Exist, but human nature does. Nothing happens by itself. You're free to choose your own destiny, especially if you don't think you are. The fact that you're thinking about it at all means that you know that you are. You are free. You have no idea how powerful and sexy you are, and if you're a man who wants to be kept. I'm still on speaking terms with Ava. It's still an open wound. I have a lot of resentment. We don't really hang out, but we text about stuff that only the two of us care about, and she lets me know when she has openings. Hit me up you.

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